Monday, May 10, 2010


One more exam to go before I jump on a plane for my first time leaving the country. It's really odd thinking that this is actually going to happen. When I purchased the plane ticket a few months back it really didn't seem real.
Besides Gmail and Facebook my new form of procrastination has been looking at different travel destinations, comparing hostel prices, and worrying about the myriad of things that could go wrong. My roommate reminded me of, and then described the plot of Hostel. This revelation has lead me to make the irrational cut off of a 75% rating on for choosing my quarters. Somehow, I feel that travelers couldn't rank a hostel over 50% if it was a sadistic torture quarters. The extra 25% is just for safety.
"The quarters were a bit dank, no breakfast, and the staff was a little rough on the guests. However, it is a nice location, and the pastry shop next door makes croissants to die for" (2.5 stars)

Alright that's about as much blogging I can justify as my physics final bears down on me.

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